Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 24, 2010


A Free Press For An Oppressed People      April 24, 2010


The once great star of the cartoon series, "Tweedy and Sylvester" spoke with reporters today in a rare public appearance for the reclusive star. Tweedy is best known for his signature line, "I taut I taw a puddy tat!" Today, Tweedy is, like so many actors, aged and a mere shadow of their former selves and living in near poverty conditions. And like so many older citizens, Tweedy too, has become cynical and bitter. Tweedy agreed to this rare interview to voice concerns and grievances over the new Obamacare.

"Dah lyin' muddreless somsabiches, da mess wid-dah ol folks! Da cut my Social squirty chek and den dey gets a raise and dey wants us ol folk ta jus die and go away. You take da no good wortless piece of dog dirt Obamacare and stick it where da sun don't chine!"

Much of the interview was a repeat of the same complaints and Tweedy would frequently doze off. Tweedy was visibly weakened from a poor diet and advanced years. When asked when was the last time a hot meal was served, Tweedy said, "Da food here is chit, be it hot or cold. Meals on wheels comes by wit hot chocolate and some cookies twice a week. Dats the best dey is and it's chit too!"

We wish there were some way to cheer up Tweedy and others in that situation but with the 260 billion cut back from the Social Security Fund and the lack of health care to seniors we can only hope that Tweedy can go peacefully in sleep.

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